Goofing around at Wilmot Gateway Park | There must be a story behind this collection of poses ☺ | They’re going nuts! | The excavator is lots of fun | But Innaias isn’t quite big enough to get it working | Making pyramids with Legos |
A demonstration of the engineering of a pyramid | Guinness helps Innaias read the book | We were supposed to help out with a psychology/development study here. But Innaias wasn’t really into it. | The sticker shields | Not quite large enough to make a good tower shield | Flynn continues his series of adorable cut-out animals |
Looking for just the right ball | Playing tennis again | Debra finally finished assembling her semi-truck | Looks pretty good! | Water fun at KidsQuest | The locks really work! |
Pushing the water buttons | Guinness lets the locks fill | Flynn explores the pipes | Choo choo! | Innaias lends a hand | Flynn works to expose his fossil |
Guinness and Kong playing soccer | Good kick! | Guinness with his Daddy at the Alvarez’s pool party | They rent out the Kirkland municipal pool and invite all their friends | Back at Wilmot Gateway again | Digging in the dirt |