August 2010
Blue Angels
Blue Angels
Oceanside, OR
Oceanside, OR
Swim Lessons
Swim Lessons
Lauren’s Birthday Party
Lauren’s Birthday Party
Kid’s Party at Selitrennikoff’s
Kid’s Party at Selitrennikoff’s
Jetty Island, Almost
Jetty Island, Almost
Goofing around at Wilmot Gateway Park
Goofing around at Wilmot Gateway Park
There must be a story behind this collection of poses ☺
There must be a story behind this collection of poses ☺
They’re going nuts!
They’re going nuts!
The excavator is lots of fun
The excavator is lots of fun
But Innaias isn’t quite big enough to get it working
But Innaias isn’t quite big enough to get it working
Making pyramids with Legos
Making pyramids with Legos
A demonstration of the engineering of a pyramid
A demonstration of the engineering of a pyramid
Guinness helps Innaias read the book
Guinness helps Innaias read the book
We were supposed to help out with a psychology/development study here. But Innaias wasn’t really into it.
We were supposed to help out with a psychology/development study here. But Innaias wasn’t really into it.
The sticker shields
The sticker shields
Not quite large enough to make a good tower shield
Not quite large enough to make a good tower shield
Flynn continues his series of adorable cut-out animals
Flynn continues his series of adorable cut-out animals
Looking for just the right ball
Looking for just the right ball
Playing tennis again
Playing tennis again
Debra finally finished assembling her semi-truck
Debra finally finished assembling her semi-truck
Looks pretty good!
Looks pretty good!
Water fun at KidsQuest
Water fun at KidsQuest
The locks really work!
The locks really work!
Pushing the water buttons
Pushing the water buttons
Guinness lets the locks fill
Guinness lets the locks fill
Flynn explores the pipes
Flynn explores the pipes
Choo choo!
Choo choo!
Innaias lends a hand
Innaias lends a hand
Flynn works to expose his fossil
Flynn works to expose his fossil
Guinness and Kong playing soccer
Guinness and Kong playing soccer
Good kick!
Good kick!
Guinness with his Daddy at the Alvarez’s pool party
Guinness with his Daddy at the Alvarez’s pool party
They rent out the Kirkland municipal pool and invite all their friends
They rent out the Kirkland municipal pool and invite all their friends
Back at Wilmot Gateway again
Back at Wilmot Gateway again
Digging in the dirt
Digging in the dirt